Taught over one day, 9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. Your investment for this class is $188. Some of what you will learn
and experience is as follows:
- Switching to Infinite Possibility --- Laying down the energetic foundation for shifting into a larger, more expansive focus and perception, which ultimately enhances all of your abilities;
· Infinity 8 Activation --- Powerful technique you do on yourself to balance electromagnetic frequencies within your own field and produce instant brain synchronization. You will “feel”
the vortexes of energy centring yourself;
· Multidimensional Energy Stretching --- Various techniques used to loosen up and expand your etheric energy, while also stimulating any dormant energy centers. This triggers higher dimensional activity and functions. By working with etheric projections and feeling their flow, one develops focus and the very ability to hone their perception into a sharp beam of etheric energy;
· Mindscaping: Setting Your Mind Free --- The techniques in this section will remove your blinders and show you what extraordinary things a human can know, do, and be. Discovering this will challenge everything you think you know. It will also put you into direct relationship with powers and forces that vastly exceed your own. Just by doing these interactive and progressive exercises, you will develop vast new abilities, skills and sensitivities to the world around you, including advanced perception and intuition. Internal interference that impedes energy flow will be removed and your electrochemical nervous system reaction process will be strengthened. As a result, you will have a much clearer channel to receive and transmit signals from and to the matrix. This new level of awareness of energy flows and how to handle them will allow for you to own and control the mind space around you. Learn how to access the true power of your imagination to enhance, expand
and experience energy beyond this dimension;
· Xiao Zhou Tian Circuit : Little Cycle Universe “free energy” breathing --- An amazing technique from ancient China and India which refines, circulates, and cranks up the amount of internal energy flowing, by connecting and disconnecting two main energy circuits that run along the front of your body, the back of the body, and over the head. When you circulate energy between these circuits, you not only become a generator of “free energy”, pulling in an abundance of the unlimited energy from all around you, any resistance and blockages in the physical and subtle bodies breaks up, as your energy channels get scrubbed clean. This energy simultaneously gets distributed to all of the chakras and balances all energy meridians in your body. Is excellent for promoting health, vitality, longevity, mental freshness, balanced emotions, increased lung capacity, blissful states and spiritual joy. The secret is in the yin-yang dynamics and that the body is actually converted into a harmonic oscillator (based on the 12 notes of the music scale). When cycling on all cylinders,
light actually gets generated and forms within you;
· The Pulsing Heart Meditation --- How to use the primordial sound of your heart beat and it’s rhythm to align
to faster vibrational experiences;
· Networking with Nature (rain or shine) --- No matter what the weather is like outside, you will learn how to tap into your energy within to do some pretty incredible things while working with Nature, like the Glass Ceiling, Eat the Sun and Cloud Busting “with a twist”.
Nature is a wonderful teacher;
· Powerful secret Mayan and Kahuna technique used to fully activate the pineal “beams of light” --- Find out how to do this on yourself and on others. These are antennae which receive images from the heart. This is an important link between the heart and the brain;
· Sieve Clearing --- Restores and realigns the harmony and balance of your energy field, by removing any unwanted, unhelpful stuck energy;
· How to do 8 different effective energy “healing” techniques --- Preparation before and what to do during, in order to free blocked energy, to enhance one’s health, and to develop your intuition;
Taught over one day, 9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. Your investment for this class is $288. If both Basic & Advanced are taken together, the fee is only $150 total. Some of what you will learn
and experience in this Advanced day is as follows:
· Catch the Wave: Making the Invisible Visible --- What you are about to learn is no magic trick. It’s the real deal. Everything is both a particle and a wave, simultaneously. You will be taught an extraordinary technique on how to see the pure wave state of absolutely anything, anytime, anywhere with your “physical” eyes. In seeing the unseen you automatically shift into a higher vibrational level. This will move you beyond structure and into a whole new understanding
of the true nature of reality;
· Etheric Maneuvers --- You will develop your skills for navigating the multidimensional realms by creating directed energy fields. Once you master the movement of your energy beyond the physical, your energy not only loosens and speeds up, making you become more free and expansive, but jolts will be delivered to your awareness, enabling new perceptions to surface. These techniques will help you stand up and come to life with the hidden latent conditions of your true spiritual evolutionary path and purpose;
· Da Zhou Tian Circuit : Large Cycle Universe “free energy” breathing --- In addition to all of the benefits of the Little Cycle, this technique also opens your many “gates” that relate to various human functions, including superhuman physical and mental abilities. This time energy gets circulated out to the extremities (legs/feet and arms/hands) and the left/right brain hemispheres get balanced. Communication between your body, mind and spirit is re-established and strengthened, improving overall health and wellness.
You will finally “feel” as a living spirit in human form;
· The Heart Force Experience --- A direct personal experience which awakens you to your real extraordinary Heart force, which is a palpable energy that you can actually “feel”. In re-activating the Heart’s energy inside yourself, you learn to allow the Heart to function as it was meant to. As a result, you will start noticing changes in your overall energy, more love, and a shift back into a stance of enjoying, appreciating and feeling good again in your spirit and body;
· Dan Tien Lao Gong Reboot --- An advanced method for charging up your biological capacitor, the Dan Tien, which is the main reservoir of the life force. Increasing this very quantum potential is necessary for your mind to work with, if one wants to increase their human abilities. This reboot will amplify the effectiveness of any and all types of energy work. You will feel this powering up, guaranteed;
· The K-Burst --- This simple but potent technique shoots energy into the body and increases the potential for Kundalini rising events;
· Jumping Brainwave States --- You will learn a few techniques on how to quickly disengage the mind from locking onto the solidity of things. In doing so, the vibrational speed of your etheric energy and perception becomes faster, as your brainwaves slow down. You essentially enter into a transcendental state. In addition, your stress melts away and your senses become heightened. This is the very way to get your mind out of your way and once it is,
your Consciousness can expand wider;
· The Rise & Shine Recharger --- An amazing technique involving the Soul Seat and hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is a “key” to regulating overall energy balance, as it is like a traffic director routing signals to the pituitary and pineal glands
from light signals hitting the eyes;
· Long distance healing --- A method anyone can use to to heal anything from a distance. You will be shown a technique which expands your subtle vibrational feelings and energy wider, to where you should be able to perceive from both locations at the same time;
· Hyperdimensional Spin healing --- Increases your overall vibration and shakes any disharmony loose;
· Group healing --- End of weekend energy healing session, where we ALL come together-as-one to heal all who are present
NOTE: Prerequisite to attend the Advanced day is
the one day Basic workshop