This is no ordinary workshop.
It is suitable for beginners
as well as experienced energy workers.
With it being very practical and experiential,
it’s designed to awaken and enhance the great Master in all of us,
bringing about an immediate shift.
You will not only be taught high vibrational tools, techniques and processes, but you will learn how to make the impossible possible.
Most people drift through life, more or less in a sleep state, missing most of the good stuff. You can go from being stiff to flexible,
from resistant to fluid, from hesitant to flowing.
The “keys” you need to do this are before you here. Once you walk through the door, a mystical force aligns itself to the real you.
Your true energy must be experienced to be understood.
Some of what you will experience in this workshop is:
· you will learn how to use the potent power of your mind
· you’ll be shown how to free your creative spirit
· how to work with your heart and
it’s beats, rhythm, and magnetic field
· how to connect with your body’s wisdom,
awakening a sense of wholeness which helps
to activate true health in you all the time
· how to cleanse, balance and normalize
the energy flowing through you
· how to experience advanced perception,
by extending yourself beyond the boundaries
of your focus in three dimensions
· how to use the transformational power
of breath in working with energy
· how to discipline, control and
divinely direct your imagination
· your mind will be opened to alternate layers of reality
· how to move your focal point
· how to bring instant synchronization
to all aspects of your brain and heart
· you will start taking on a larger vision in life,
not a small one
· how to see with a new set of eyes, literally, in learning
to see the “wave state” of absolutely anything,
anytime, anywhere!
You are not an accident or a weakling. You are bad to the bone.
There’s a sleeping giant in you. You are more than just a body
with stuff flowing through it. You are the flow itself.
The best way to learn how to work with energy is by doing. Working on yourself is important and the rewards are great. When you tap into your unlimited energy potential and allow it to run free,
life starts taking on a magic all it’s own.
All of life’s obstacles you once had will begin disappearing.
So wake up and power up. Replace that zapped feeling in you with alot more zip. And remember who you really are.
Everything comes from this.
All it takes is one spark to inspire you to start believing,
and to forever shift the way you live your life.
At the end of the workshop, your vibrational shift will be
so totally expansive that there will be no going back
to your old way of doing things.
Come with us now on a journey of inner and outer discovery,
to learn…..grow…..change….
and experience yourself as being beyond human.